A Seed of Hope - From More Hope

A Seed of Hope

On the outside you may feel stuck.

There is no end in sight to your waiting.

But on the inside where you can’t see,

where you can’t even feel,

something is happening.

A seed of hope is planted in your soul.

Nothing you do can make it grow.

Nothing you can do can stop it.

There is only waiting

and trusting that tiny seed.

Imagine that seed, breaking open,

sending out a shoot of green,

putting down tiny roots.

The hope that you long for is growing.

In the right time you will see it.

James 5:7-8

Be patient, then, brothers,

until the Lord’s coming.

See how the farmer waits for the land

to yield its valuable crop

and how patient he is

for the autumn and spring rains.

You too, be patient and stand firm,

because the Lord’s coming is near.

Henri Nouwen

A waiting person is a patient person.

The word patience means the

willingness to stay where we are

and live the situation out to the full

in the belief that something hidden there

will manifest itself to us.


Blue Sky - From More Hope


Yellow - From More Hope