Bird Watch - From More Peace


Bird Watch

Sit where you can watch the birds,

or bring to mind different birds.

Sparrows. Cardinals. Chickadees.

They are feeding,

gathering nesting materials, drinking,

and bathing in rainwater puddles.

How God provides for them!

Think of the ways that God cares for you.

Life. Sunlight.

Air. Water.

Keep the birds in your thoughts today.

Remember the goodness of our Creator.

He provides for you.


Luke 12: 22-24

Then Jesus said to his disciples:

“Therefore I tell you,

do not worry about your life,

what you will eat; or about your body,

what you will wear.

For life is more than food,

and the body more than clothes.

Consider the ravens:

They do not sow or reap,

they have no storeroom or barn;

yet God feeds them.

And how much more valuable

you are than the birds!”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

All I have seen

teaches me to trust the Creator

for all I have not seen.


Make God Bigger - From More Peace


Be With Me - From More Joy