Delight and Joy
Delight and Joy
Something about animals
delights and amuses us.
A cat lolling in a sunbeam.
A pile of sleeping puppies.
The round, spiky hedgehog.
Zany, playful baby goats.
A whale breaking the water surface.
All creatures great and small give us
beauty, delight and joy.
Our good God made the animals.
How much He loves us!
With each creature
He shows His love to you.
Notice animals today. Feel His love.
Job 12:7-8
But ask the animals,
and they will teach you,
or the birds of the air,
and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth,
and it will teach you,
or let the fish of the sea inform you.
Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain
Every time you feel in God’s creatures
something pleasing and attractive,
do not let your attention be arrested by
them alone but, passing them by,
transfer your thought to God and say,
“Oh, my God, if Thy creatures are so full
of beauty, delight, and joy, how infinitely
more full of beauty, delight, and joy art
Thou, Thyself, Creator of all!”