Hallelujah Chorus - From More Wonder


Hallelujah Chorus

Take a walk.

Listen for bird songs.

Each call is unique.


The cardinal’s purdee purdee.

The chickadee’s dee dee.

The crow’s caw.

The jay’s whistle.


Each sends their voice out into the world,

a chorus of praises to their Creator.


Be aware of the bird songs this season.

Creation is calling out

its praises to God.


Hear them as praise songs,

a Hallelujah Chorus.

Isaac Watts

Joy to the world! The Lord is come

Let earth receive her King!

Let every heart prepare Him room

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven, and heaven

and nature sing


Psalm 148:7-10

Praise the Lord from the earth,

you great sea creatures

and all ocean depths,

lightning and hail,

snow and clouds,

stormy winds that do his bidding,

you mountains and all hills,

fruit trees and all cedars,

wild animals and all cattle,

small creatures and flying birds.


Good News - From More Wonder


“To Be” List - From More Wonder