Live Your Life
Live Your Life
Have you made
new year’s resolutions.
What do you resolve to do this year?
Write a book?
Lose 20 pounds?
Pay off your debts?
What if you shifted your
resolutions from doing to being?
Resolve to be kinder.
To be gentler.
To be braver.
To be more compassionate.
To be bolder.
To be more loving.
More encouraging.
Could this year be different?
Could you be different?
1 Samuel 16:7
Man looks at the outward appearance,
but the LORD looks at the heart.
Frederick Buechner
We must be careful with our lives,
for Christ's sake, because
it would seem that they are
the only lives we are going to have
in this puzzling and perilous world,
and so they are very precious
and what we do with them
matters enormously.