The Glow Inside You
The Glow Inside You
There is a glowing spot
of radiance inside of you.
Rest your hands over your heart.
Outside your body
may be wasting away.
Gravity, time and
disease take a toll.
But inside of you,
your soul is alive.
Today remember the glow of life
that God has placed in you.
It cannot be diminished.
Our bodies hold us in this world.
But our souls
are made for eternity.
Rest your hands
on your heart often.
Remember the glow.
Remember you
are made for eternity.
You will survive.
2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though outwardly we are wasting away,
yet inwardly we are being
renewed day by day.
Abraham Lincoln
Surely God would not have
created such a being as man
to exist only for a day!
No, no, man was made for