Visit the Beach - From More Peace


Visit the Beach

Think of the beach. 

What do you hear?

Waves crashing.

The call of a gull.

What do you feel?

Sun warming you.

Sand under your feet.

What do you see?

The horizon.

The vastness of the ocean.

Visit the beach in your mind today.

Use your senses.

Remember the beauty.

Experience the peace.


Psalm 18:19 

He brought me out into a spacious place;

he rescued me because

he delighted in me.

Anne Frank

The best remedy

for those who are afraid,

lonely or unhappy is to go outside,

somewhere where they can be quiet,

alone with the heavens, nature and God.

Because only then does one feel

that all is as it should be and

that God wishes to see people happy,

amidst the simple beauty of nature.


Outside In - From More Peace


Sit with Jesus - From More Peace