Be With Me - From More Hope

Be With Me

Your thoughts may be racing.

What if this happens?

What if that happens?

A cycle of worry takes off,

drawing your imagination into fear.

When the thoughts come – stop them.

Speak your “What if?” out loud.

Follow it with: “God will be with me.”

“What if _______?”

“God will be with me.”

“But, what if ________?”

“God will be with me.”

Stop, “What if?” with promises of God.

He will be with you no matter what.

Sarah Young

You can feel secure,

even in the midst of cataclysmic

changes, through awareness

of My continual Presence.

The One who never leaves you

is the same One

who never changes.

Matthew 28:20

And surely I am with you always,

to the very end of the age.


Tangles - From More Hope


Now - From More Hope