Floating - From More Hope


You are floating.

Close your eyes.

You are on a pool of still water.

Imagine the coolness of the water.

You stretch out our arms

and relax on the surface.

Breathe calmness.

Rest gently.

Know that if you tense up

or panic you will begin to sink,

but in calmness and gentleness

you float.

God holds you.

When you feel tension return today.

Close your eyes and float,

loved and supported by Him.

Psalm 33:20-22

We wait in hope for the Lord;

he is our help and our shield.

In him our hearts rejoice;

for we trust in his holy name.

May your unfailing love

rest upon us, O Lord,

even as we put our hope in you.

Ann Landers

Some people believe holding on

and hanging in there are

signs of great strength.

However, there are times

when it takes much more strength

to know when to let go and then do it.


A Little Prayer - From More Hope


Exhale - From More Hope