Glimpses of God
Glimpses of God
A momentary or partial view.
Where have you seen
a glimpse of God?
Maybe in words:
In a book.
A poem.
A scripture passage.
Maybe in creation:
The moon and stars.
The vast ocean.
The distant mountains.
Maybe in your heart:
A sense of something more.
A welling up of love.
Unexpected peace.
be aware of “momentary
and partial views.”
Glimpses of God.
1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see only
a reflection as in a mirror;
then we shall see face to face.
Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully,
even as I am fully known.
William Blake
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And Eternity in an hour.