Receiving Jesus - From More Wonder

Reach out to receive the Baby Jesus.

Imagine Mary placing Him in your hands.

For a moment feel His small body.

Feel His weight.

Treasure Him.

Love Him.

Protect Him.

Press Him to your heart.

He will save the world.

He will walk on water.

He will heal lepers.

He will even save you.

But right now He is just a tiny baby.

Hold the Savior in your hands.

And wonder.


John 1:4

The Word became flesh

and made his dwelling among us.

We have seen his glory,

the glory of the One and Only,

who came from the Father,

full of grace and truth.


C. S. Lewis

In our world too,

a stable once had something inside it

that was bigger than our whole world.


Listen - From More Wonder


Watch and Wait - From More Wonder