Watch and Wait - From More Wonder
Sit in the stable with the animals.
Wait and watch with them
for the Baby Jesus to be born.
Jesus is ready to come into the world.
His welcoming ones—the animals.
A gentle cow stands with her calf.
Chickens nestle in the hay.
A barn cat snuggles with her kittens.
A guard dog stands watch.
Creation waits.
How God loves them.
Today when you see animals, remember
the stable, the waiting, the watching.
For God so loved the world
that He gave us Jesus.
Psalm 145:21
Let every creature praise
his holy name for ever and ever.
Madeleine L’Engle
A teacher of small children
told us of a child who said to her,
“Jesus is God’s show and tell.”
How simple and how wonderful!
Jesus is God’s show and tell.
That’s the best theology
of incarnation I’ve ever heard.