God’s Puzzle - From More Hope
God’s Puzzle
What is your life like today?
Think of it as a landscape.
Is it bleak? Dark? Scary?
Like a jigsaw puzzle, take the picture
apart in your mind, place
the pieces in a box, and shake.
Give the box to God.
Watch as one piece at a time
He puts the picture of your life back.
Different. Beautiful, Peaceful.
A landscape with light and peace.
Throughout the day imagine the
beautiful landscape that He is making.
One piece at a time.
He works all things together for good.
Saint Francis of Assisi
Help me to live this day,
quietly, easily.
To lean upon Thy great strength,
trustfully, restfully.
To wait for the unfolding of Thy will,
patiently, serenely.
To meet others,
peacefully, joyously.
To face tomorrow,
confidently, courageously.
John 16:33
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart!
I have overcome the world.